MAM stands for Multi-Account Manager is designed for money managers to trade on behalf of several clients in exchange for a percentage of the profits. PAMM stands for Percentage Allocation Management Module Manager which is a form of pooled money forex trading. Blufx LLC multi-account manager provides managers with the high level of control that they need to maximise
Traders can use a Forex VPS or Virtual Private Server to run automated trading strategies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the quickest possible connectivity.
MAM stands for Multi-Account Manager. This permits a range of customisable ways to sub-allocate trades in addition to the method of percentage allocation in a PAMM. PAMM stands for Percentage Allocation Management Module Manager which is a form of pooled money forex trading. This software means investors can be part of a set of sub-accounts which are traded together by a money manager or trader who has permission from clients to trade their accounts under a LPOA (Limited Power of Attorney).